Oscar grew up in a small city in New Mexico. At a very young age he was very explorative with a strong imagination. He began to draw for his classmates, for contests, school projects, and for fun. He was known as the “artist” of the class throughout all his educational institutions. Oscar still maintains a high imagination and creativeness to this day.
The digital art era had been introduced to Oscar when his father bought the family a desktop in 2005. Oscar was always fascinated with digital art and began using Adobe programs at the age of fifteen. He began trying to mock up website layouts and get inspired from other artists. Designs were a lot different back then and it was challenging at first for him. Oscar entered a web design contest during his junior year in high school which he placed first. He continued to pursue design in business and the rest became history.
Oscar enjoys looking at the hues of a sunset: red, orange, yellow with the combination of the blue and white hues. He also enjoys walking outdoors alongside nature. It gives him a peace of mind and gives him the ability to reflect on problems. He likes to see the possible solutions to a problem at times which energizes his creative side. Oscar believes art and problem solving can be a powerful tool.
Oscar enjoys reading in his free time and learning. He believes learning and gaining more knowledge is powerful and beneficial to the brain. Oscar has discipline to keep learning and is curious about what he does not know. He has many interests in many fields and plans to continue to grow.
Oscar started his brand in early 2020 with Dodefy. He trademarked his brand and is hoping to expand his skills and scope of practice. He encourages others to create their own brand to grow and have leverage in many ways. Oscar wants to encourage and motivate all audiences to be motivated, guided and overall have a support system to grow and follow their passions. He is currently working, planning on multiple projects, doing YouTube videos and growing his website and audience.
I have gained experience from my work, contracts, school, and hobby throughout the years. I learned to enhance and master my skills and the way I use tools. I list out the tools I am comfortable and confident using as well the skills that I have. I also list out the future skills and tools I would like to learn and add to my skills collection.