UX & UI Designer
my name is Oscar Perez.
“get to see my design thinking in action.”
I Bring Products to Life.

Oscar Perez is a driven UX/UI Designer who is fond of making businesses grow through branding, design, and user research. After spending years as a passionate designer and marketer in startups and mid size companies he decided to grow his own brand Dodefy. Through videos and blogs his intentions are to motivate and encourage others to challenge themselves towards personal growth. While he continues to show excellence in his field of study and positively impact businesses.

Oscar is also enamored of learning, teaching, and growing in multiple fields. He believes there is always a chance to learn and make improvements. Developers, CEOs and executives from organizations and companies have favored him as a top quality UX/UI designer. Oscar holds a Bachelors of Arts in Psychology from the University of New Mexico. He also holds a Certificate in UX/UI Design from Springboard.

Enhance Your Business
& Health


Want to see my design thinking in action?

Case Studies

Dodefy Health

Dodefy Health's current problem is that they are looking to see what information is the most important to show a user about nutrition and health advice. 

The goal is to show users nutrition labels & values and how these foods can change their health. This problem can be challenging because we don’t know what nutrition information is important for a user to see. Another challenge is that we don’t know if people value nutrition information,  how often people use these values, and experience with these food labels. (value, usage, experience).

health based app

Users found these design changes more valuable after user testing. Screen engagement had increased significantly.


Participants often complained on how small words can get in nutrition labels can get and how difficult it is to read.  Small font should be avoided with the design.

Findings from Participant Interviews

The people that took the test answered that they need more clarification, bigger wording, images, videos, interativiness to help them learn and understand these values a lot more. I did see that most people are moderately to highly motivated to learn. This meant that people do care about keeping a healthy lifestyle. This helped know that this solution is valuable to people. 

multimedia app

Talebinds is a movie, show, anime, and video game focused app; with trailers, personal and shareable playlists and soundtracks.
Talebinds first company strategy was to offer users a free product and receive a healthy user base of free users. After completing this strategy successfully, the second strategy is now to create a new stream of revenue from the same free users and new users. This will be done by including a premium based model to allow users to subscribe and pay monthly. 

The watch and listen tabs on the top of the app were later separated after first round of user testing to divide the and organize content best.

Critical Features to Include in Premium Services
HQ Music

Majority of users 18-24 don’t have a device to play this video quality, but some are highly interested in this quality of videos.

Users prefered higher quality sound than video and would pay extra for this feature.

All users thought it was a very easy process to checkout for premium services. Users continue to want to pay for no ads which seemed to be the most important. Downloading content was another benefit that was paid more attention to more this time. Users also liked how two months free were offered. 
Downloading Content & Saving Data

Important for users when they don't have a connection and for traveling.

Remove those ads? Sign me up.

Users are bothered by ads and would pay premium memebership to eliminate them.

Two Month Trial? Sweet!

There was a significant increase of satisfaction when comparing one month free trial to a two month trial. 

The majority of users did not have a device to play 4K UHD, so that extra feature was not beneficial for users ages 18-24. Only three users out of ten had a 4K television. After second round of user testing,  users would rather pay for a premium that offers high quality music, allows them to download and save data, remove ads, and offer a free trial.
e-commerce school website
"“I love schoolio. Teaching became so much easier now.” -Schoolio Rocks!

Schoolio is an e-commerce company based in Canada that offers an easy to follow and reliable curriculum for homeschooling parents and tutors. Schoolio currently covers kindergarten and first-eight grade curriculum that meets provincial government outcomes. 

Schoolio's current problem is that they are looking for a better way to organize and display their e-commerce products, homepage, and about us page. Schoolio currently offers both bundles and units: bundles are the entire grade curriculum while units are subjects within that grade. Another problem is that Schoolio is looking to rebrand their design to target both adults and children. 


Showing an animated astronaut as a testimonial figure is a great way to draw targeted users attention while improving credibility and trust.


One Unit Is a Section From a Subject in a Grade

One Bundle Includes Entire Grade Curriculum

The main distinguishable difference is the amount of pages and information from both the unit and the bundle. The bundle has the entire grade curriculum, while a unit is just part of a subject within that grade. For example, a unit can be  part one of four of the subject math for first grade. Representing and designing both unit and bundle to a real life book can help users recognize the differences. Schoolio needs to have this design made to further improve their user experience.

User interview problems were that it was difficult to distinguish curriculum bundles from units because all the products were listed in one page. Users also had to scroll all the way to the bottom to find the bundle for each grade. It was also difficult to find certain units from the curriculum.  We had to consider these two distinguishable product options while continuing with our user research.

Separating Curriculum Bundles From Units
dog adoption website

Struggling to Finding The Right Dog?

Just answer the questions and we will find that perfect dog for you. 

Citypups is a website that helps people find dogs that are available for adoption near them. These dogs are listed by animal shelters and Citypups makes it a lot easier to gather all dogs in one website. 

Citypups' new strategy is to help people in dense population cities find the perfect dog to adopt. The first strategy is to create what information is necessary for a person to see when adopting a dog. The second new strategy is to match the dogs with the adopters. 

Users had the option to search for a dog according to their location or get matched with one in this study. I explain the reason behind my design thinking and why I went with this route. 

Important Features to Considering In a Dog Description
Activity Levels
2 out of 4 Questions
Make sure to consider the larger the animal the more food they will consume.
Get Matched: What size of dog are you looking for?
I didn't have any experience with adopting dogs and that is why it was more difficult to know what information is most important for a user. That is why I ended up seeing which features were important to consider when adopting a dog, the best way to display them, and the level of importance. After testing users I was able to determine more about what information people are expecting when adopting a dog. This step was critical and helped with the next strategy for the company, which was matching a dog with their adoptee.

Dodefy Health












Want to see the tools I use and my skills?

I have gained experience from my work, contracts, school, and hobby throughout the years. I learned to enhance and master my skills and the way I use tools. I list out the tools I am comfortable and confident using as well the skills that I have. I also list out the future skills and tools I would like to learn and add to my skills collection.